var test = true, webNotice = false, webNoticeId = "", oldOrderInfo = false, oldOrderInfo_malai = false; window.onload = function (ev) { init(); } init = function () { getProductInfo("", 1, 10); pagenotify(); } pagenotify = function () { notifyMe(); orderWheelSearch(); orderWheelSearchMaLai(); } notifyMe = function () { // 先检查浏览器是否支持 if (!("Notification" in window)) { // alert("本浏览器不支持网页通知提示,如需要网页提示,请使用chrome浏览器打开此网站。"); } else { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { if (permission === "granted") { webNotice = true; } else if (Notification.permission === "denied") { //alert("请打开网页通知权限,或者质询技术人员协助打开。"); } }); } } orderWheelSearch = function () { setInterval(function () { var parameter = urlEncode(["OrderWheelSearch"]); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/new/php/index.php", data: {mode: parameter}, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { if (oldOrderInfo == false) { oldOrderInfo = data[0]; } else { if (oldOrderInfo.OrderId == data[0].OrderId) { } else { oldOrderInfo = data[0]; orderNoticeBody(oldOrderInfo); $("#audio")[0].play(); } } console.log(oldOrderInfo); } }); }, 5000); } orderWheelSearchMaLai = function () { setInterval(function () { var parameter = urlEncode(["OrderWheelSearch"]); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/malai/php/index.php", data: {mode: parameter}, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { if (oldOrderInfo_malai == false) { oldOrderInfo_malai = data[0]; } else { if (oldOrderInfo_malai.OrderId == data[0].OrderId) { } else { oldOrderInfo_malai = data[0]; orderNoticeBodyMaLai(3, oldOrderInfo_malai); $("#audio")[0].play(); } } } }); }, 5000); } orderNoticeBody = function (type, data) { var title, obj; if (type == 1) { title = "泰国来订单啦"; } else if (type == 2) { title = "台湾来订单啦"; } else if (type == 3) { title = "马来西亚来订单啦"; } webNoticeId = data.OrderId + '<>' + data.ProductId; obj = { dir: "auto", body: "订单号:" + data.OrderNum + "\n" + "产品编号:" + data.ProductRemarks, // tag: webNoticeId, icon: JSON.parse(data.ProductInfoClassId)[1].img, renotify: false } var notification = new Notification(title, obj); notification.onclick = function (event, data) { event.preventDefault(); // prevent the browser from focusing the Notification's tab var oid = webNoticeId.split("<>")[0], pid = webNoticeId.split("<>")[1];'' + oid + '&pid=' + pid, '_blank'); } } orderNoticeBodyMaLai = function (type, data) { var title, obj; if (type == 1) { title = "泰国来订单啦"; } else if (type == 2) { title = "台湾来订单啦"; } else if (type == 3) { title = "马来西亚来订单啦"; } webNoticeId = data.OrderId + '<>' + data.ProductId; obj = { dir: "auto", body: "订单号:" + data.OrderNum + "\n" + "产品编号:" + data.ProductRemarks, // tag: webNoticeId, icon: JSON.parse(data.ProductInfoClassId)[1].img, renotify: false } var notification = new Notification(title, obj); notification.onclick = function (event, data) { event.preventDefault(); // prevent the browser from focusing the Notification's tab var oid = webNoticeId.split("<>")[0], pid = webNoticeId.split("<>")[1];'' + oid + '&pid=' + pid, '_blank'); } } getProductInfo = function (judge, pageindex, pagesize) { var parameter = urlEncode(["SelectAllProduct", judge, pageindex, pagesize]); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/new/php/index.php", data: {mode: parameter}, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { if (data.length == 0 || data == -1) { var th = '暂无数据'; $("#warp").html(th); $("#Page").html(""); // $("#warp").append(th); return; } if (test) { test = false; var totalSize = data[0].allcount, totalPage = Math.ceil(totalSize / pagesize); $("#Page").html(""); // $("#Page").whjPaging("setPage", {currPage: pageindex, totalPage: totalPage, totalSize: totalSize}); $("#Page").whjPaging({ currPage: pageindex, totalSize: totalSize,//可选,总条数 totalPage: totalPage,//可选,总页数 isShowRefresh: false,//可选,是否展示刷新,默认true isShowPageSizeOpt: false,//可选,是否展示每页条数下拉框,默认true,如果设置显示,总条数必须设置 // isResetPage:true, callBack: function (currPage) { $("#loading").css({display: "block"}); $("#warp").css({display: "none"}); getProductInfo(judge, currPage, pagesize); // test = true; // console.log('currPage:' + currPage + ' pageSize:' + pageSize); } }); } printProductInfo(data); console.log(data); } }); } //ad printProductInfo = function (data) { var warp = $("#warp"), tr, href, title = "'查看商品信息'"; warp.html(""); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { href = "'product-add.html?pid=" + data[i].ProductId + "'"; tr = $('' + '' + data[i].ProductId + '' + '' + data[i].ProductRemarks + '' + '' + data[i].ProductName + '' + '' + data[i].ProductPrimeCost + '' + '' + data[i].ProductPrice + '' + //'' + data[i].ProductIntroduce + '' + '' + data[i].ProductIntroduce + '' + '' + data[i].shortnum + '' + '' + data[i].ProductAddTime + '' + '' + '查看新H5页面' + '查看旧H5页面' + '查看产品信息' + ''); warp.append(tr); } $("#loading").css({"display": "none"}); $("#warp").css({"display": "table-row-group"}); } keySearchProductInfo = function () { if (event.keyCode == 13) { searchProductInfo(); } } searchProductInfo = function () { var _val = $("#SearchPlaceBtn").val().trim(); if (_val == "") { layer.msg('请输入订单号、人名、地址、手机号其中一个', {icon: 1}); } else { getProductInfo(_val, 1, 10); } } product_add = function (title, url) { var index ={ type: 2, title: title, content: url }); layer.full(index); } urlEncode = function (arr) { var i; 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