
Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.exedit js ]

Set zTree is in edit mode

Please set this attribute before zTree initialization. If you need to change the edit mode after the initialization, please use zTreeObj.setEditable() method.

Default: false

Boolean Format

true means: zTree is in edit mode.

false means: zTree is not in edit mode.

Editing Rules Description

1. When click the node, it will not open 'node.url' specified URL.
2. Support for dynamic tree editing.
3. You can drag-drop nodes, and support drag-drop nodes between multiple trees.
4. Support use drag-drop to copy or move the node. (Reference: setting.edit.drag.isCopy / setting.edit.drag.isMove)
5. You can use the Edit button to modify the name attribute.
6. You can use the Remove button to remove the node.

Please note that letter case, do not change.

Examples of setting

1. edit the tree

var setting = {
	edit: {
		enable: true