
Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.excheck js ]

Used to record the node's half-checked state about its all child nodes's checkbox or radio. It is valid when [setting.check.enable = true]

zTree v3.x provides treeNode.getCheckStatus () method to get an accurate the half-checked status.

Do not initialize or modify it, it is an internal argument.

Default: true

Number Format


setting.check.checkType = "checkbox"
treeNode.check_Child_StateChecked Status Description
-1Has no child nodes or all child nodes's 'nocheck' attribute is true.
0All of the child nodes has not been checked.
1Some of the child nodes has been checked.
2All of the child nodes has been checked.

setting.check.checkType = "radio"
treeNode.check_Child_StateChecked Status Description
-1Has no child nodes or all child nodes's 'nocheck' attribute is true.
0All of the child nodes has not been checked.
2Some of the child nodes has been checked.