
Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.core js ]

The className of node's custom icon.

1. You need to modify the css, add the definition of className.

2. The css is simple, convenient, and support the parent node to switch icons when it is expanded or collapsed.

3. Recommend the use of CSS Sprites, can reduce repeating load the image, to avoid image flicker.

4. The 'iconSkin' support IE6 in zTree v3.x.

5. If you need to use image's URL to set the custom icon, please set the 'treeNode.icon' or 'treeNode.iconOpen' or 'treeNode.iconClose' attribute.

Default: undefined

String Format

The string about custom icon's className.

Examples of css & treeNode

1. Set the custom icon

css example:
.ztree li span.button.diy01_ico_open, .ztree li span.button.diy01_ico_close{...}

.ztree li span.button.diy02_ico_open{...}
.ztree li span.button.diy02_ico_close{...}

.ztree li span.button.diy03_ico_docu{...}

node's data example:
var nodes = [
	//Only show one icon when it is expanded or collapsed.
	{ name:"Parent Node 1", iconSkin:"diy01"},

	//Show two icons when it is expanded or collapsed.
	{ name:"Parent Node 2", iconSkin:"diy02"},

	//the custom icon for leaf node
	{ name:"Leaf Node", iconSkin:"diy03"}