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- <div class="apiDetail">
- <div>
- <h2><span>Array(String)</span><span class="path">setting.async.</span>autoParam</h2>
- <h3>Overview<span class="h3_info">[ depends on <span class="highlight_green">jquery.ztree.core</span> js ]</span></h3>
- <div class="desc">
- <p></p>
- <div class="longdesc">
- <p>During asynchronous loading, a request is sent to the server, which contains the identify of the parent node,
- so it can retrieve the children.
- This attribute is an array of strings, which is the identity parameter (or parameters).
- It applies when <span class="highlight_red">[setting.async.enable = true]</span></p>
- <p>Default:[ ]</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <h3>Array(String) Format</h3>
- <div class="desc">
- <p>1. Put the attribute name(s) of node to the array. For example: ["id", "name"]</p>
- <p>2. You can rename the parameter name as sent to the server. For example: server only accepts "zId" -- ["id=zId"]</p>
- </div>
- <h3>Examples of setting</h3>
- <h4>1. set auto commit 'id' attribute</h4>
- <pre xmlns=""><code>var setting = {
- async: {
- enable: true,
- url: "http://host/getNode.php",
- autoParam: ["id"]
- }
- };
- If we have a parent node: {id:1, name:"test"}, When we are asynchronously loading this parent node's children, it will be submitted to the server with parameters: id=1
- ......</code></pre>
- <h4>2. set auto commit 'id' attribute, but the parameter name expected by the server is 'zId'</h4>
- <pre xmlns=""><code>var setting = {
- async: {
- enable: true,
- url: "http://host/getNode.php",
- autoParam: ["id=zId"]
- }
- };
- If we have a parent node: {id:1, name:"test"}, When we are asynchronously loading this parent node's children, it will be submitted to the server with parameters: zId=1
- ......</code></pre>
- </div>
- </div>