const test = require('tape') , through2 = require('./') , crypto = require('crypto') , bl = require('bl') , spigot = require('stream-spigot') test('plain through', function (t) { var th2 = through2(function (chunk, enc, callback) { if (!this._i) this._i = 97 // 'a' else this._i++ var b = new Buffer(chunk.length) for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) b[i] = this._i this.push(b) callback() }) th2.pipe(bl(function (err, b) { var s = b.toString('ascii') t.equal('aaaaaaaaaabbbbbcccccccccc', s, 'got transformed string') t.end() })) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(5)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.end() }) test('pipeable through', function (t) { var th2 = through2(function (chunk, enc, callback) { if (!this._i) this._i = 97 // 'a' else this._i++ var b = new Buffer(chunk.length) for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) b[i] = this._i this.push(b) callback() }) th2.pipe(bl(function (err, b) { var s = b.toString('ascii') // bl() acts like a proper streams2 stream and passes as much as it's // asked for, so we really only get one write with such a small amount // of data t.equal(s, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'got transformed string') t.end() })) var bufs = bl() bufs.append(crypto.randomBytes(10)) bufs.append(crypto.randomBytes(5)) bufs.append(crypto.randomBytes(10)) bufs.pipe(th2) }) test('object through', function (t) { t.plan(3) var th2 = through2({ objectMode: true}, function (chunk, enc, callback) { this.push({ out: + 1 }) callback() }) var e = 0 th2.on('data', function (o) { t.deepEqual(o, { out: e === 0 ? 102 : e == 1 ? 203 : -99 }, 'got transformed object') e++ }) th2.write({ in: 101 }) th2.write({ in: 202 }) th2.write({ in: -100 }) th2.end() }) test('flushing through', function (t) { var th2 = through2(function (chunk, enc, callback) { if (!this._i) this._i = 97 // 'a' else this._i++ var b = new Buffer(chunk.length) for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) b[i] = this._i this.push(b) callback() }, function (callback) { this.push(new Buffer([ 101, 110, 100 ])) callback() }) th2.pipe(bl(function (err, b) { var s = b.toString('ascii') t.equal(s, 'aaaaaaaaaabbbbbccccccccccend', 'got transformed string') t.end() })) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(5)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.end() }) test('plain through ctor', function (t) { var Th2 = through2.ctor(function (chunk, enc, callback) { if (!this._i) this._i = 97 // 'a' else this._i++ var b = new Buffer(chunk.length) for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) b[i] = this._i this.push(b) callback() }) var th2 = new Th2() th2.pipe(bl(function (err, b) { var s = b.toString('ascii') t.equal('aaaaaaaaaabbbbbcccccccccc', s, 'got transformed string') t.end() })) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(5)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.end() }) test('reuse through ctor', function (t) { t.plan(4) var Th2 = through2.ctor(function (chunk, enc, callback) { if (!this._i) { t.ok(1, 'did not contain previous instance data (this._i)') this._i = 97 // 'a' } else this._i++ var b = new Buffer(chunk.length) for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) b[i] = this._i this.push(b) callback() }) var th2 = Th2() th2.pipe(bl(function (err, b) { var s = b.toString('ascii') t.equal('aaaaaaaaaabbbbbcccccccccc', s, 'got transformed string') var newInstance = Th2() newInstance.pipe(bl(function (err, b) { var s = b.toString('ascii') t.equal('aaaaaaabbbbccccccc', s, 'got transformed string') })) newInstance.write(crypto.randomBytes(7)) newInstance.write(crypto.randomBytes(4)) newInstance.write(crypto.randomBytes(7)) newInstance.end() })) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(5)) th2.write(crypto.randomBytes(10)) th2.end() }) test('object through ctor', function (t) { t.plan(3) var Th2 = through2.ctor({ objectMode: true}, function (chunk, enc, callback) { this.push({ out: + 1 }) callback() }) var th2 = new Th2() var e = 0 th2.on('data', function (o) { t.deepEqual(o, { out: e === 0 ? 102 : e == 1 ? 203 : -99 }, 'got transformed object') e++ }) th2.write({ in: 101 }) th2.write({ in: 202 }) th2.write({ in: -100 }) th2.end() }) test('pipeable object through ctor', function (t) { t.plan(4) var Th2 = through2.ctor({ objectMode: true}, function (record, enc, callback) { if (record.temp != null && record.unit == 'F') { record.temp = ( ( record.temp - 32 ) * 5 ) / 9 record.unit = 'C' } this.push(record) callback() }) var th2 = Th2() var expect = [-19, -40, 100, 22] th2.on('data', function (o) { t.deepEqual(o, { temp: expect.shift(), unit: 'C' }, 'got transformed object') }) spigot({objectMode: true}, [ {temp: -2.2, unit: 'F'}, {temp: -40, unit: 'F'}, {temp: 212, unit: 'F'}, {temp: 22, unit: 'C'} ]).pipe(th2) }) test('object through ctor override', function (t) { t.plan(3) var Th2 = through2.ctor(function (chunk, enc, callback) { this.push({ out: + 1 }) callback() }) var th2 = Th2({objectMode: true}) var e = 0 th2.on('data', function (o) { t.deepEqual(o, { out: e === 0 ? 102 : e == 1 ? 203 : -99 }, 'got transformed object') e++ }) th2.write({ in: 101 }) th2.write({ in: 202 }) th2.write({ in: -100 }) th2.end() }) test('object settings available in transform', function (t) { t.plan(6) var Th2 = through2.ctor({objectMode: true, peek: true}, function (chunk, enc, callback) { t.ok(this.options.peek, "reading options from inside _transform") this.push({ out: + 1 }) callback() }) var th2 = Th2() var e = 0 th2.on('data', function (o) { t.deepEqual(o, { out: e === 0 ? 102 : e == 1 ? 203 : -99 }, 'got transformed object') e++ }) th2.write({ in: 101 }) th2.write({ in: 202 }) th2.write({ in: -100 }) th2.end() }) test('object settings available in transform override', function (t) { t.plan(6) var Th2 = through2.ctor(function (chunk, enc, callback) { t.ok(this.options.peek, "reading options from inside _transform") this.push({ out: + 1 }) callback() }) var th2 = Th2({objectMode: true, peek: true}) var e = 0 th2.on('data', function (o) { t.deepEqual(o, { out: e === 0 ? 102 : e == 1 ? 203 : -99 }, 'got transformed object') e++ }) th2.write({ in: 101 }) th2.write({ in: 202 }) th2.write({ in: -100 }) th2.end() }) test('object override extends options', function (t) { t.plan(6) var Th2 = through2.ctor({objectMode: true}, function (chunk, enc, callback) { t.ok(this.options.peek, "reading options from inside _transform") this.push({ out: + 1 }) callback() }) var th2 = Th2({peek: true}) var e = 0 th2.on('data', function (o) { t.deepEqual(o, { out: e === 0 ? 102 : e == 1 ? 203 : -99 }, 'got transformed object') e++ }) th2.write({ in: 101 }) th2.write({ in: 202 }) th2.write({ in: -100 }) th2.end() })