123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446 |
- 'use strict'
- const config = require('./config.json')
- const exec = require('mz/child_process').exec
- const fs = require('fs-extra')
- const mac = require('../mac')
- const packager = require('..')
- const path = require('path')
- const plist = require('plist')
- const test = require('ava')
- const util = require('./_util')
- const darwinOpts = {
- name: 'darwinTest',
- dir: util.fixtureSubdir('basic'),
- electronVersion: config.version,
- arch: 'x64',
- platform: 'darwin'
- }
- const el0374Opts = Object.assign({}, darwinOpts, {
- name: 'el0374Test',
- dir: util.fixtureSubdir('el-0374'),
- electronVersion: '0.37.4'
- })
- function testWrapper (testName, extraOpts, testFunction/*, ...extraArgs */) {
- const extraArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3)
- util.packagerTest(testName, (t, baseOpts) => {
- const opts = Object.assign({}, baseOpts, extraOpts)
- return testFunction.apply(null, [t, opts].concat(extraArgs))
- })
- }
- function darwinTest (testName, testFunction/*, ...extraArgs */) {
- const extraArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)
- return testWrapper.apply(null, [testName, darwinOpts, testFunction].concat(extraArgs))
- }
- function electron0374Test (testName, testFunction) {
- const extraArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)
- return testWrapper.apply(null, [testName, el0374Opts, testFunction].concat(extraArgs))
- }
- function getHelperExecutablePath (helperName) {
- return path.join(`${helperName}.app`, 'Contents', 'MacOS', helperName)
- }
- function parseInfoPlist (t, opts, basePath) {
- const plistPath = path.join(basePath, `${opts.name}.app`, 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
- return fs.stat(plistPath)
- .then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The expected Info.plist file should exist')
- return fs.readFile(plistPath, 'utf8')
- }).then(file => plist.parse(file))
- }
- function packageAndParseInfoPlist (t, opts) {
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => parseInfoPlist(t, opts, paths[0]))
- }
- function helperAppPathsTest (t, baseOpts, extraOpts, expectedName) {
- const opts = Object.assign(baseOpts, extraOpts)
- let frameworksPath
- if (!expectedName) {
- expectedName = opts.name
- }
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => {
- frameworksPath = path.join(paths[0], `${expectedName}.app`, 'Contents', 'Frameworks')
- // main Helper.app is already tested in basic test suite; test its executable and the other helpers
- return fs.stat(path.join(frameworksPath, getHelperExecutablePath(`${expectedName} Helper`)))
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The Helper.app executable should reflect sanitized opts.name')
- return fs.stat(path.join(frameworksPath, `${expectedName} Helper EH.app`))
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The Helper EH.app should reflect sanitized opts.name')
- return fs.stat(path.join(frameworksPath, getHelperExecutablePath(`${expectedName} Helper EH`)))
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The Helper EH.app executable should reflect sanitized opts.name')
- return fs.stat(path.join(frameworksPath, `${expectedName} Helper NP.app`))
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The Helper NP.app should reflect sanitized opts.name')
- return fs.stat(path.join(frameworksPath, getHelperExecutablePath(`${expectedName} Helper NP`)))
- }).then(stats => t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The Helper NP.app executable should reflect sanitized opts.name'))
- }
- function iconTest (t, opts, icon, iconPath) {
- opts.icon = icon
- let resourcesPath
- return util.packageAndEnsureResourcesPath(t, opts)
- .then(generatedResourcesPath => {
- resourcesPath = generatedResourcesPath
- const outputPath = resourcesPath.replace(`${path.sep}${util.generateResourcesPath(opts)}`, '')
- return parseInfoPlist(t, opts, outputPath)
- }).then(obj => {
- return util.areFilesEqual(iconPath, path.join(resourcesPath, obj.CFBundleIconFile))
- }).then(equal => t.true(equal, 'installed icon file should be identical to the specified icon file'))
- }
- function extendInfoTest (t, baseOpts, extraPathOrParams) {
- const opts = Object.assign({}, baseOpts, {
- appBundleId: 'com.electron.extratest',
- appCategoryType: 'public.app-category.music',
- buildVersion: '3.2.1',
- extendInfo: extraPathOrParams
- })
- return packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
- .then(obj => {
- t.is(obj.TestKeyString, 'String data', 'TestKeyString should come from extendInfo')
- t.is(obj.TestKeyInt, 12345, 'TestKeyInt should come from extendInfo')
- t.is(obj.TestKeyBool, true, 'TestKeyBool should come from extendInfo')
- t.deepEqual(obj.TestKeyArray, ['public.content', 'public.data'], 'TestKeyArray should come from extendInfo')
- t.deepEqual(obj.TestKeyDict, { Number: 98765, CFBundleVersion: '0.0.0' }, 'TestKeyDict should come from extendInfo')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleVersion, opts.buildVersion, 'CFBundleVersion should reflect buildVersion argument')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleIdentifier, 'com.electron.extratest', 'CFBundleIdentifier should reflect appBundleId argument')
- t.is(obj.LSApplicationCategoryType, 'public.app-category.music', 'LSApplicationCategoryType should reflect appCategoryType argument')
- return t.is(obj.CFBundlePackageType, 'APPL', 'CFBundlePackageType should be Electron default')
- })
- }
- function binaryNameTest (t, baseOpts, extraOpts, expectedExecutableName, expectedAppName) {
- const opts = Object.assign({}, baseOpts, extraOpts)
- const appName = expectedAppName || expectedExecutableName || opts.name
- const executableName = expectedExecutableName || opts.name
- let binaryPath
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => {
- binaryPath = path.join(paths[0], `${appName}.app`, 'Contents', 'MacOS')
- return fs.stat(path.join(binaryPath, executableName))
- }).then(stats => t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The binary should reflect a sanitized opts.name'))
- }
- function appVersionTest (t, opts, appVersion, buildVersion) {
- opts.appVersion = appVersion
- opts.buildVersion = buildVersion || appVersion
- return packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
- .then(obj => {
- t.is(obj.CFBundleVersion, '' + opts.buildVersion, 'CFBundleVersion should reflect buildVersion')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleShortVersionString, '' + opts.appVersion, 'CFBundleShortVersionString should reflect appVersion')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleVersion, 'string', 'CFBundleVersion should be a string')
- return t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleShortVersionString, 'string', 'CFBundleShortVersionString should be a string')
- })
- }
- function appBundleTest (t, opts, appBundleId) {
- if (appBundleId) {
- opts.appBundleId = appBundleId
- }
- const defaultBundleName = `com.electron.${opts.name.toLowerCase()}`
- const appBundleIdentifier = mac.filterCFBundleIdentifier(opts.appBundleId || defaultBundleName)
- return packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
- .then(obj => {
- t.is(obj.CFBundleDisplayName, opts.name, 'CFBundleDisplayName should reflect opts.name')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleName, opts.name, 'CFBundleName should reflect opts.name')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleIdentifier, appBundleIdentifier, 'CFBundleName should reflect opts.appBundleId or fallback to default')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleDisplayName, 'string', 'CFBundleDisplayName should be a string')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleName, 'string', 'CFBundleName should be a string')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleIdentifier, 'string', 'CFBundleIdentifier should be a string')
- return t.is(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*$/.test(obj.CFBundleIdentifier), true, 'CFBundleIdentifier should allow only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.)')
- })
- }
- function appHelpersBundleTest (t, opts, helperBundleId, appBundleId) {
- let tempPath, plistPath
- if (helperBundleId) {
- opts.helperBundleId = helperBundleId
- }
- if (appBundleId) {
- opts.appBundleId = appBundleId
- }
- const defaultBundleName = `com.electron.${opts.name.toLowerCase()}`
- const appBundleIdentifier = mac.filterCFBundleIdentifier(opts.appBundleId || defaultBundleName)
- const helperBundleIdentifier = mac.filterCFBundleIdentifier(opts.helperBundleId || appBundleIdentifier + '.helper')
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => {
- tempPath = paths[0]
- plistPath = path.join(tempPath, opts.name + '.app', 'Contents', 'Frameworks', opts.name + ' Helper.app', 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
- return fs.stat(plistPath)
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The expected Info.plist file should exist in helper app')
- return fs.readFile(plistPath, 'utf8')
- }).then(file => {
- const obj = plist.parse(file)
- t.is(obj.CFBundleName, opts.name, 'CFBundleName should reflect opts.name in helper app')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleIdentifier, helperBundleIdentifier, 'CFBundleIdentifier should reflect opts.helperBundleId, opts.appBundleId or fallback to default in helper app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleName, 'string', 'CFBundleName should be a string in helper app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleIdentifier, 'string', 'CFBundleIdentifier should be a string in helper app')
- t.is(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*$/.test(obj.CFBundleIdentifier), true, 'CFBundleIdentifier should allow only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.)')
- // check helper EH
- plistPath = path.join(tempPath, opts.name + '.app', 'Contents', 'Frameworks', opts.name + ' Helper EH.app', 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
- return fs.stat(plistPath)
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The expected Info.plist file should exist in helper EH app')
- return fs.readFile(plistPath, 'utf8')
- }).then(file => {
- const obj = plist.parse(file)
- t.is(obj.CFBundleName, opts.name + ' Helper EH', 'CFBundleName should reflect opts.name in helper EH app')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleDisplayName, opts.name + ' Helper EH', 'CFBundleDisplayName should reflect opts.name in helper EH app')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleExecutable, opts.name + ' Helper EH', 'CFBundleExecutable should reflect opts.name in helper EH app')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleIdentifier, helperBundleIdentifier + '.EH', 'CFBundleName should reflect opts.helperBundleId, opts.appBundleId or fallback to default in helper EH app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleName, 'string', 'CFBundleName should be a string in helper EH app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleDisplayName, 'string', 'CFBundleDisplayName should be a string in helper EH app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleExecutable, 'string', 'CFBundleExecutable should be a string in helper EH app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleIdentifier, 'string', 'CFBundleIdentifier should be a string in helper EH app')
- t.is(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*$/.test(obj.CFBundleIdentifier), true, 'CFBundleIdentifier should allow only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.)')
- // check helper NP
- plistPath = path.join(tempPath, opts.name + '.app', 'Contents', 'Frameworks', opts.name + ' Helper NP.app', 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
- return fs.stat(plistPath)
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The expected Info.plist file should exist in helper NP app')
- return fs.readFile(plistPath, 'utf8')
- }).then(file => {
- const obj = plist.parse(file)
- t.is(obj.CFBundleName, opts.name + ' Helper NP', 'CFBundleName should reflect opts.name in helper NP app')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleDisplayName, opts.name + ' Helper NP', 'CFBundleDisplayName should reflect opts.name in helper NP app')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleExecutable, opts.name + ' Helper NP', 'CFBundleExecutable should reflect opts.name in helper NP app')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleIdentifier, helperBundleIdentifier + '.NP', 'CFBundleName should reflect opts.helperBundleId, opts.appBundleId or fallback to default in helper NP app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleName, 'string', 'CFBundleName should be a string in helper NP app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleDisplayName, 'string', 'CFBundleDisplayName should be a string in helper NP app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleExecutable, 'string', 'CFBundleExecutable should be a string in helper NP app')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleIdentifier, 'string', 'CFBundleIdentifier should be a string in helper NP app')
- return t.is(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*$/.test(obj.CFBundleIdentifier), true, 'CFBundleIdentifier should allow only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.)')
- })
- }
- if (!(process.env.CI && process.platform === 'win32')) {
- darwinTest('helper app paths test', helperAppPathsTest)
- darwinTest('helper app paths test with app name needing sanitization', helperAppPathsTest, {name: '@username/package-name'}, '@username-package-name')
- const iconBase = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'monochrome')
- const icnsPath = `${iconBase}.icns`
- darwinTest('icon test: .icns specified', iconTest, icnsPath, icnsPath)
- // This test exists because the .icns file basename changed as of 0.37.4
- electron0374Test('icon test: Electron 0.37.4, .icns specified', iconTest, icnsPath, icnsPath)
- darwinTest('icon test: .ico specified (should replace with .icns)', iconTest, `${iconBase}.ico`, icnsPath)
- darwinTest('icon test: basename only (should add .icns)', iconTest, iconBase, icnsPath)
- const extraInfoPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'extrainfo.plist')
- const extraInfoParams = plist.parse(fs.readFileSync(extraInfoPath).toString())
- darwinTest('extendInfo by filename test', extendInfoTest, extraInfoPath)
- darwinTest('extendInfo by params test', extendInfoTest, extraInfoParams)
- darwinTest('protocol/protocol-name argument test', (t, opts) => {
- opts.protocols = [
- {
- name: 'Foo',
- schemes: ['foo']
- },
- {
- name: 'Bar',
- schemes: ['bar', 'baz']
- }
- ]
- return packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
- .then(obj =>
- t.deepEqual(obj.CFBundleURLTypes, [{
- CFBundleURLName: 'Foo',
- CFBundleURLSchemes: ['foo']
- }, {
- CFBundleURLName: 'Bar',
- CFBundleURLSchemes: ['bar', 'baz']
- }], 'CFBundleURLTypes did not contain specified protocol schemes and names')
- )
- })
- test('osxSign argument test: default args', t => {
- const args = true
- const signOpts = mac.createSignOpts(args, 'darwin', 'out', 'version')
- t.deepEqual(signOpts, {identity: null, app: 'out', platform: 'darwin', version: 'version'})
- })
- test('osxSign argument test: identity=true sets autodiscovery mode', t => {
- const args = {identity: true}
- const signOpts = mac.createSignOpts(args, 'darwin', 'out', 'version')
- t.deepEqual(signOpts, {identity: null, app: 'out', platform: 'darwin', version: 'version'})
- })
- test('osxSign argument test: entitlements passed to electron-osx-sign', t => {
- const args = {entitlements: 'path-to-entitlements'}
- const signOpts = mac.createSignOpts(args, 'darwin', 'out', 'version')
- t.deepEqual(signOpts, {app: 'out', platform: 'darwin', version: 'version', entitlements: args.entitlements})
- })
- test('osxSign argument test: app not overwritten', t => {
- const args = {app: 'some-other-path'}
- const signOpts = mac.createSignOpts(args, 'darwin', 'out', 'version')
- t.deepEqual(signOpts, {app: 'out', platform: 'darwin', version: 'version'})
- })
- test('osxSign argument test: platform not overwritten', t => {
- const args = {platform: 'mas'}
- const signOpts = mac.createSignOpts(args, 'darwin', 'out', 'version')
- t.deepEqual(signOpts, {app: 'out', platform: 'darwin', version: 'version'})
- })
- test('osxSign argument test: binaries not set', t => {
- const args = {binaries: ['binary1', 'binary2']}
- const signOpts = mac.createSignOpts(args, 'darwin', 'out', 'version')
- t.deepEqual(signOpts, {app: 'out', platform: 'darwin', version: 'version'})
- })
- darwinTest('codesign test', (t, opts) => {
- opts.osxSign = {identity: 'Developer CodeCert'}
- let appPath
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => {
- appPath = path.join(paths[0], opts.name + '.app')
- return fs.stat(appPath)
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The expected .app directory should exist')
- return exec(`codesign -v ${appPath}`)
- }).then(
- (stdout, stderr) => t.pass('codesign should verify successfully'),
- err => {
- const notFound = err && err.code === 127
- if (notFound) {
- console.log('codesign not installed; skipped')
- } else {
- throw err
- }
- }
- )
- })
- darwinTest('binary naming test', binaryNameTest)
- darwinTest('sanitized binary naming test', binaryNameTest, {name: '@username/package-name'}, '@username-package-name')
- darwinTest('executableName test', binaryNameTest, {executableName: 'app-name', name: 'MyAppName'}, 'app-name', 'MyAppName')
- darwinTest('CFBundleName is the sanitized app name and CFBundleDisplayName is the non-sanitized app name', (t, opts) => {
- const appBundleIdentifier = 'com.electron.username-package-name'
- const expectedSanitizedName = '@username-package-name'
- let plistPath
- opts.name = '@username/package-name'
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => {
- plistPath = path.join(paths[0], `${expectedSanitizedName}.app`, 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
- return fs.stat(plistPath)
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The expected Info.plist file should exist')
- return fs.readFile(plistPath, 'utf8')
- }).then(file => {
- const obj = plist.parse(file)
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleDisplayName, 'string', 'CFBundleDisplayName should be a string')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleDisplayName, opts.name, 'CFBundleDisplayName should reflect opts.name')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleName, 'string', 'CFBundleName should be a string')
- t.is(obj.CFBundleName, expectedSanitizedName, 'CFBundleName should reflect a sanitized opts.name')
- t.is(typeof obj.CFBundleIdentifier, 'string', 'CFBundleIdentifier should be a string')
- t.is(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*$/.test(obj.CFBundleIdentifier), true, 'CFBundleIdentifier should allow only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.)')
- return t.is(obj.CFBundleIdentifier, appBundleIdentifier, 'CFBundleIdentifier should reflect the sanitized opts.name')
- })
- })
- darwinTest('app and build version test', appVersionTest, '1.1.0', '')
- darwinTest('app version test', appVersionTest, '1.1.0')
- darwinTest('app and build version integer test', appVersionTest, 12, 1234)
- darwinTest('infer app version from package.json test', (t, opts) =>
- packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
- .then(obj => {
- t.is(obj.CFBundleVersion, '4.99.101', 'CFBundleVersion should reflect package.json version')
- return t.is(obj.CFBundleShortVersionString, '4.99.101', 'CFBundleShortVersionString should reflect package.json version')
- })
- )
- darwinTest('app categoryType test', (t, opts) => {
- const appCategoryType = 'public.app-category.developer-tools'
- opts.appCategoryType = appCategoryType
- return packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
- .then(obj => t.is(obj.LSApplicationCategoryType, appCategoryType, 'LSApplicationCategoryType should reflect opts.appCategoryType'))
- })
- darwinTest('app bundle test', appBundleTest, 'com.electron.basetest')
- darwinTest('app bundle (w/ special characters) test', appBundleTest, 'com.electron."bãśè tëßt!@#$%^&*()?\'')
- darwinTest('app bundle app-bundle-id fallback test', appBundleTest)
- darwinTest('app bundle framework symlink test', (t, opts) => {
- let frameworkPath
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => {
- frameworkPath = path.join(paths[0], `${opts.name}.app`, 'Contents', 'Frameworks', 'Electron Framework.framework')
- return fs.stat(frameworkPath)
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'Expected Electron Framework.framework to be a directory')
- return fs.lstat(path.join(frameworkPath, 'Electron Framework'))
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isSymbolicLink(), 'Expected Electron Framework.framework/Electron Framework to be a symlink')
- return fs.lstat(path.join(frameworkPath, 'Versions', 'Current'))
- }).then(stats => t.true(stats.isSymbolicLink(), 'Expected Electron Framework.framework/Versions/Current to be a symlink'))
- })
- darwinTest('app helpers bundle test', appHelpersBundleTest, 'com.electron.basetest.helper')
- darwinTest('app helpers bundle (w/ special characters) test', appHelpersBundleTest, 'com.electron."bãśè tëßt!@#$%^&*()?\'.hęłpėr')
- darwinTest('app helpers bundle helper-bundle-id fallback to app-bundle-id test', appHelpersBundleTest, null, 'com.electron.basetest')
- darwinTest('app helpers bundle helper-bundle-id fallback to app-bundle-id (w/ special characters) test', appHelpersBundleTest, null, 'com.electron."bãśè tëßt!!@#$%^&*()?\'')
- darwinTest('app helpers bundle helper-bundle-id & app-bundle-id fallback test', appHelpersBundleTest)
- darwinTest('appCopyright/NSHumanReadableCopyright test', (t, baseOpts) => {
- const copyright = 'Copyright © 2003–2015 Organization. All rights reserved.'
- const opts = Object.assign({}, baseOpts, {appCopyright: copyright})
- return packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
- .then(info => t.is(info.NSHumanReadableCopyright, copyright, 'NSHumanReadableCopyright should reflect opts.appCopyright'))
- })
- darwinTest('app named Electron packaged successfully', (t, baseOpts) => {
- const opts = Object.assign({}, baseOpts, {name: 'Electron'})
- let appPath
- return packager(opts)
- .then(paths => {
- appPath = path.join(paths[0], 'Electron.app')
- return fs.stat(appPath)
- }).then(stats => {
- t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The Electron.app folder exists')
- return fs.stat(path.join(appPath, 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'Electron'))
- }).then(stats => t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The Electron.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron binary exists'))
- })
- }